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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Janes Fleet Command System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-06-26 22:07:05 Views : 16460 Cheat : Tip: Never send just one plane anywhere; fights will be better if you send a pair of fighters, even when identifying unknown craft. Tip: Lead your air assaults with HARM missile-equipped planes. These missiles hone in on the enemy's active radar, taking it out and shutting down the enemy's air defense. Tip: Years ago, the U.S. Navy taught its tactical-action officers (the folks in charge of employing a ship's weapons) to "shoot, shoot, look." You should do the same. Fire two missiles at any incoming target. Wait to see the result, and then fire again--if necessary. Tip: Swarm. Don't attack with a Harpoon here, a Maverick there; hit the bad guys with everything you have. There is a much greater chance of destroying your target if you swamp its defenses. Tip: Stay cool. Don't use your radar or activate sonar until you are in battle; otherwise, you'll give your position away. If necessary, send a ship (called the picket ship) ahead of your task force. Order this ship to light off its radar. Hopefully, it will discover the waiting enemy; of course, it might also discover ten cruise missiles headed its way--but hey, life's full of little surprises. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Janes Fleet Command cheat codes.
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